Large-scale effects gathering high attention

imEFFECT can be deployed especially at places were a large-scaled interactive projection should offer high perception for a large crowd of people.

The positioning can take place in entrance areas, passages or even cover the whole room. Best results are achieved when the interactive area is positioned in neuralgic spots where most visitors get by.

Trade Fairs

Silhouette - MIDO 2011

Auf der MIDO 2011 in Mailand wurde eine interatkive Wasserfläche aus 3 Projektionen optimal in die Stand-Architektur integriert.




Deutsche Golf Sport

A special effect with interactive golfballs was developed for an event during the German Ladies Open, allowing guests to shoot golf balls seamlessly over 3 connected projections.

ORF Enterprise 2010

A special customised Appear effect was created fot the ORF Enterprise CCA Gala, which was placed in the entrance area of the event.


ORF Enterprise - CCA GalaORF Enterprise - CCA Gala / Ö3 Radio Night

Interactive Red Carpet featuring the names of all agencies nominated to the advertising gala with an interactive effect.


For the Lifeball 2008 the imFUN implementation was edited accurately to the Sujets and the theme of that year.